20th Anniversary Network Tour

February 11/2023

C-Panel does not have a new administration policy that affects a portion of incoming messages in mailboxes. No matter what "cPanel E-mail Admin ruth@desisinglesinus.com" from some singles hook up site says. It's a phish. A stinky one too.

March 21, 2020

Twenty years since launching barovelli.com! A few domains have been added and some have been left to whither. Currently here's what is offered:

barovelli.com -- This site, a personal blog. Projects documented, things I'm interested in.

baravelli.com -- The movie Horse Feathers has two spellings seen in different movie copies. I've always used Barovelli, from the VHS tape that I had. The domain just auto forwards to barovelli.com.

chicolini.com -- The domain I originally wanted. Picked it up after it expired. I have used it as an RSS reader site since Google Reader died. Access is private, contact me if interested in a login.

feastoflanterns.com -- I started putting the FOL on the Internet for fun, long before the "official" organization ever thought of making a web site with a hard to pronounce URL. First it was just a scan of the yellow pamphlet we get in the mail every year but when a relative of the artist complained about the use of the tree/rowboat/fake Chinese font header I took it down and made up the Feast Of Lanterns tabloid. Still updated every year. I offered the domain to the organization to use but they were not aware of the internet or something at the time.

feastoflanterns.org -- Really getting funny now, it's a re-presentation of feastoflanterns.com with a Drudge Report style page of Courier font links. And a picture of a coffee mug with that above artist's same drawing. Ban me, I dare you,

lighthouseavenue.com -- Failed attempt at a cross between Google Street View and Yahoo. Plan was to offer free single web pages in sub domains. Offered a picture of a business and a couple lines of text at a url with their address in it - like 222.lighthouseavenue.com. Pay me more $$ and get more web page. The the dot.com boom went bust and that idea went out the window. Started archiving news stories about Pacific Grove in a WordPress format, often with fark.com style comments.

rustypanello.com -- Why I don't know. Needed another Marx Brothers domain I guess.

loverspointbeach.com -- Made this when I thought I could sell off the FOL domains and use this as a place to hold the original sites. Now it's just Cyber squatting. Actually I used to squat on quite of few domains like dancort.com or mostromanticdestination.com and forward them to crazy links.

kfat.org -- Grabbed it when it expired. No plans yet, forwards to the KFAT information here. Would be a streaming site if I could get away with the bandwidth.

lasthometown.net -- Dotcom boom idea, write stuff on the information superhighway and watch the money pour in. Yeah. Was the name of the company I hoped to start.

fora-rp-esca.com -- When the Fort Ord committee publisized a web link to a 404 non existing site I sprung into action and brought it to life. Forwarded the domain to a Rick Astely video. Yah, that one.

pacificgrovegoodolddays.com -- pictures of the Good Old Days Parade.

pacificgrovecandycanelane.com -- pictures of houses decorated for Christmas.


Google Ads Gone

September 23, 2018

Maybe it's the static site stories that made the ads go the stupid route. Ehh, not worth it.

Monterey High School '73-'74 Course Catalog

November 22, 2013

Something to scan and post. No extra cost teenager doodles on cover.

Monterey High Catalog

Colossus Of Gold Returns To You Tube

December 11th, 2011

Progress marches on taking out my simple recording setup to clip the great Snick Farkas presentations of the comic at Pacific Grove city council meetings.

All was not totally lost, for progress also put full video on demand from the city’s web site. Only no one tells you if there is a COG show in the stream and where it occurs.

Fret not, fans of COG. I’ve found a free program that really does what it says it will do called SDP Downloader. It captures the stream and I can clip Colossus and once again make it easy to follow.

Barovelli’s YouTube Channel – always  rated PG

www.93950.com The real home of Colossus Of Gold & more P.G. entertainment

There, I Said I

October 13th, 2011

Noticing how companies are calling employees ‘associates’ so often. I may feel that title does not really communicate the fact that the employees are hard working, dedicated men & women giving their efforts for a salary. Workers. Employees. Staffing titles all tell me that they are trading physical and mental skills for a living. Associate hides the message too much for me.

New Old Stuff

September 30th, 2011

I wiped out a directory of pictures that was created for family & friends. No one used it, I guess Facebook took the place.

I found a visit to the former KMBY 1240 (now KNRY) studio building on Cannery Row in the pictures and posted them with good timing, the station was recently sold. http://www.barovelli.com/music/kmby1240.htm

Also in the news are stories about OnStar watching you even if you do not choose to use it. Here’s how I made sure it won’t bother me a bit http://www.barovelli.com/projects/car/killyouronstar.htm

Fat Is Where It's At

August 15th, 2011

New addition to the music pages a small collection of newspaper clippings relating to the local KFAT-KHIP-KOCN-KPIG radio stations.

Life Changes - Cutbacks

August 10th, 2011

Sometimes I like it when things are complicated, sometimes I don’t. I currently have more essential things to do in life than maintain websites that were really not much more than ‘art’ projects with few visitors.

This month I’m shutting down a few sites and will not look back. The domains will expire and be available for someone else to pick up. Contact me if you are interested in purchasing or transferring any Last Home Town Network domains.

New material will be here on barovelli.com – computer projects, music hobbies & car enthusiastic items.

Overhaul of site DONE

Sun, 13 Dec 2009

Nearly all the legacy pages are back in the new template. A few formatting adjustments and I’ll be happy.


Almost Done

December 12  2009

Nearly all the legacy pages are back in the new template. Now it's like solving a puzzle, checking internal and external links for errors. Once that stuff is done I want to tinker with some of the CSS settings and perfect the template. Whew

progres riport

December 11,  2009

It's been a re-learning experience bringing back the old website. Got just enough CSS knowledge to change the page colors and fonts. I kind of miss the 'Training Wheels' from MS Front Page, mostly the live updating of stuff.

Now when I see an error I bring up a local copy, edit it, start Filezilla, log in and replace the file. TV pages are back.

The MPTV page needs some updating, I've collected a few snips of MPTV life since that was made (1999?) Music pages all updated. New play lists and the same old story. Working on the totally remodeled Projects section. Old car projects are up, have a couple of new ones that were previously made for message boards.

Adventures In Web Pages

December 6, 2009

Another overhaul and change - maybe the 4th one in 8 years. Usually because I get mad at something that does not work right and that is the reason this time. Tried using a CMS, I liked the search engine optimizing, but putting adsense ads was a pain, as was adding pictures. Eh. Back to static old web pages.

New - Home Page used to be a big long blog. Now it's a 'home' page of things about my home town. The blog-like stuff is here, the blog.

New - CSS. finally got a grip on it. Kind of. Using an old copy of Microsoft Expression Web for WYSIWYG edits and HTML validation. One goal is to be accessible to most all browsers. Most barovelli.com pages are text and photos and are simple to standardize. When you put tables and other sins of past HTML editors in the mix not so. I loaded the Feast Of Lanterns comedy page into it and Expression just about barfed.

New - Photo albums. The old Pacific Grove parades with their hand coded slides are gone. This time I threw some nice gallery pages on the site with JAlbum.

Same - Music play lists. Export iTunes play list, clean up text and post it. Same - Project pages. I reorganized but the same photo rich computer and car project documentation.

Same - Radio page favorites. QSL Cards. Microphone schematics. None of the old URLs were saved so links from other sited were broken. I learned some redirect features of the .htaccess file and built in redirects.

Same - Family photos private gallery. Planned - scanner frequency lookup. Learn to upload a flat file into SQL and query same file. I'm thinking about buying a script for it or trying to learn the trick to DIY. Thanks for reading.


Fri, 04 Dec 2009

barovelli.com/blog is the basement of barovelli.com, a website I've had for 9 years, based on material from a dialup BBS before that. The material began as static pages in early html with heavy use of the pre tag. Home pages from Prodigy, AOL and Mindspring all came together in a mishmosh of information.

I briefly used a blogging/CMS package but quit because I liked more control over the site. So all the old content and new content was refreshed and once again posted in static form.

Unpaid plugs