20th Anniversary Network Tour
February 11/2023
C-Panel does not have a new administration policy that affects a portion of incoming messages in mailboxes. No matter what "cPanel E-mail Admin ruth@desisinglesinus.com" from some singles hook up site says. It's a phish. A stinky one too.
March 21, 2020
Twenty years since launching barovelli.com! A few domains have been added and some have been left to whither. Currently here's what is offered:
barovelli.com -- This site, a personal blog. Projects documented, things I'm interested in.
baravelli.com -- The movie Horse Feathers has two spellings seen in different movie copies. I've always used Barovelli, from the VHS tape that I had. The domain just auto forwards to barovelli.com.
chicolini.com -- The domain I originally wanted. Picked it up after it expired. I have used it as an RSS reader site since Google Reader died. Access is private, contact me if interested in a login.
feastoflanterns.com -- I started putting the FOL on the Internet for fun, long before the "official" organization ever thought of making a web site with a hard to pronounce URL. First it was just a scan of the yellow pamphlet we get in the mail every year but when a relative of the artist complained about the use of the tree/rowboat/fake Chinese font header I took it down and made up the Feast Of Lanterns tabloid. Still updated every year. I offered the domain to the organization to use but they were not aware of the internet or something at the time.
feastoflanterns.org -- Really getting funny now, it's a re-presentation of feastoflanterns.com with a Drudge Report style page of Courier font links. And a picture of a coffee mug with that above artist's same drawing. Ban me, I dare you,
lighthouseavenue.com -- Failed attempt at a cross between Google Street View and Yahoo. Plan was to offer free single web pages in sub domains. Offered a picture of a business and a couple lines of text at a url with their address in it - like 222.lighthouseavenue.com. Pay me more $$ and get more web page. The the dot.com boom went bust and that idea went out the window. Started archiving news stories about Pacific Grove in a WordPress format, often with fark.com style comments.
rustypanello.com -- Why I don't know. Needed another Marx Brothers domain I guess.
loverspointbeach.com -- Made this when I thought I could sell off the FOL domains and use this as a place to hold the original sites. Now it's just Cyber squatting. Actually I used to squat on quite of few domains like dancort.com or mostromanticdestination.com and forward them to crazy links.
kfat.org -- Grabbed it when it expired. No plans yet, forwards to the KFAT information here. Would be a streaming site if I could get away with the bandwidth.
lasthometown.net -- Dotcom boom idea, write stuff on the information superhighway and watch the money pour in. Yeah. Was the name of the company I hoped to start.
fora-rp-esca.com -- When the Fort Ord committee publisized a web link to a 404 non existing site I sprung into action and brought it to life. Forwarded the domain to a Rick Astely video. Yah, that one.
pacificgrovegoodolddays.com -- pictures of the Good Old Days Parade.
pacificgrovecandycanelane.com -- pictures of houses decorated for Christmas.