The Music Pages 

Music comin through on the electric radio has been a real memory stamp in my life. Listening to KMBY 1240 A Barrel Of Fungrandma's kitchen radio tuned to KMBY (click for a flashback!) in the early 60s was the first influence. I listened to KMBY (click again for another one) from then - the Beach Boys, Beatles, all kinds of pop, to the psychedelic Monterey Pop Festival era - Mamas & The Papas, Hendrix, The Who to the hippie country-rock - Commander Cody, CSNY, Byrds and Creedence Clearwater, to all the way to about 1975, when disco/soul was all that was played.

KMBY 1240, Monterey, California 

KLRB CarmelAfter that there was my KLRB heavy on Zep and electronic euro-rock, and the National Lampoon radio hour.


KFAT 94.5 Gilroy, CaliforniaWhen I started hanging out with a few older friends in an auto shop in Pacific Grove I first heard KFAT and was hooked on the hippie country I had remembered and the southern rock. Add the off the wall comedy and I was permanently planted in the FAT entertainment style. I bought records at Do Re Mi and Logos. I went to any local event that had FAT artists performing - Sidesaddle, Norton Buffalo, Jill Croston, Larry Hosford, Mary McCaslin, etc, etc. I took the Fat one everywhere I could until it's demise.

When KFAT went Wuss I was saying that I'll never listen to music again. But I couldn't do that. I searched for a source to put my ears to.

IKTOM 1380, Salinas California drifted to plain old C&W from KTOM or KWST, with a supplement of about 25 tapes that I had made of KFAT in the final weeks of it's existence (you can listen to them and more over at ).


I knew what I would do - I will build my own collection of FAT music and make my own music mixes. I listened to the tapes and set out to buy up all the records I could identify off those tapes.

Odyssey Records

The KFAT song/artist/title list is my log of those. Started in a steno notebook, I used it to keep track of what I had & wanted when buying records at garage sales, used record stores and mail order. I found a real use for my first computer - a PC XT clone - it was used catalog all the songs, artists and record catalog numbers in a PFS First Choice database.

Fat Records Buyers' Guide
Click for a .pdf of the Fat Records Buyers' Guide

Then I got on line. Now, this was 1994 not much of an Internet them. But I found FATheads out there on Prodigy and we kept a KFAT topic up on the country music message boards, playing trivia and tapping each other for more information. On a 2400 dialup we could hardly exchange songs - but we did trade titles and lyrics that would resuscitate memories of what we used to listen to and wanted to hear again.

KHIP 93.5 FM, Hollister, CaliforniaThere was a short piece of time in which KHIP out of Hollister had the FAT crew in charge, but it did not last, I think the signal from that station was not strong enough to break through the fog. I bought a digital car stereo to attempt to lock in on the weak 93.5 from earthquake prone Hollister.

Then KOCN came along. KOCN was a little daytime FM station with a good signal that covered the Monterey area. They were one of those stations that followed whatever fad came along. Formerly an FM rock station they switched to C&W when the Urban Cowboy fad came out. On weekend evenings KOCN would broadcast Oakland A's baseball. At the end of one season, when I was accustomed spinning the dial to over to KWST (another C&W station, this one on the frequency of the former rocker KLRB) I thought I had a flashback, for I heard a mellow FM lady DJ begin a new thing, the Fat Back weekend show with Laura Ellen Hopper!! It was great! Three hours a night, two nights a week of FAT. Soon KOCN realized it had struck an audience. The expanded the Fat Back program to the whole station, I was in heaven again. But like many good things, money and maybe greed sets in. I think the owner of KOCN used the format's popularity to increase the value of the station and sold it to new owners, who switched to a format that was the definitive of "dentist office music", boring soft rock. That was a scary time - I had been teased by two radio stations only to be stood up in the end.

By then the record collection had grown to about 4000 LPs. I made my own mix tapes for tunes in the car and the radio was only for listening to talk radio - A little Bill Wattenberg in the evenings and Ronn Owens on KGO in the days.

KPIG 107.5 Freedom, CaliforniaFinally out of the airwaves of a failed classical station came a tune - Chuck Berry singing Roll Over Beethoven - KPIG was born. Many FAT DJs re-appeared. The greatest blend of music once again filled the airwaves.

Ahh, but there are lessons to be learned, for the PIG did suffer the HEAT for a short period. With little notice and none of the long farewells that KFAT gave, the PIG signal spewed out pop music delivered over satellite, with no live DJs and nothing worth listening to. After that failed, the PIG came back with a little less country, but seemingly solvent and stable. The DJs would make comments to the owners on the air when they spun a Beach Boys song. The signal is spreading. There was a short lived translator station to Carmel Valley repeating KPIG. Today there once can also hear swine on KPYG in Cambria.

All this music collecting and radio taping has resulted in a fine collection of data. It is listed here as one of the true wonders of the Internet, sharing of information. Blow out some of the cobwebs and revisit your younger days. Take off to or some used record brokers and get that tune like you heard it before. Here for all to use as help in finding who sang what is my list of songs & artists - my favorite tunes. Note that none of these songs exist on this web site in any form. I can tell by the access logs that someone pokes around looking for them - could be just a desperate fan or the RIAA. They are just not there. So quit trying, and please don't ask ok? is not a music swapping site.

KFAT and Related News Clippings (.pdf)

Tubby Tunes TV - End Of KFAT - News from 1983 and an appearance from Willy.

SF Chronicle June 18, 1978 - The Radio Station Fatheads Enjoy

SF Chronicle some day in 1983 - FAT Chance - A Record Spinoff For The Wheels

San Jose Mercury some day in January 1983 - KFAT Crew Gets Suit-And-Tie Boss

San Jose Mercury January 3, 1983 - KFAT's Next Move Is Now Up In The Air

SF Chronicle January 9, 1983 - KFAT's Twisted Trail Is At An End

San Jose Mercury January 14, 1983 - Change In The Air

San Jose Mercury January 15, 1983 - Change In Gamy KFAT Format Sealed With A KWSS

Leaflet, Future Fat Format Farmers March 1983

San Jose Mercury May 18, 1983 - The Return Of KFAT?

San Jose Mercury 1983 - Signe Wilkinson Editorial Cartoon

Santa Cruz Sentinel February 26, 1984 - KFAT DJs Appearing on KKUP

Mail Newsletter July 1985 - KHIP Headquake Earthquarters

San Jose Mercury July 13, 1986 - Son Of KFAT

Monterey Herald August 31, 1986 - Is A Top 40 Format In Future For KHIP

Monterey Herald Unknown Date 1987 - 'Oldies' Rock Station Starts At Expense Of Hillbilly Funk

Monterey Herald November 22, 1987 - Area 'Fatheads' To Gain Sustenance

Monterey Herald Unknown Date 1987 - KOCN Music Format Altered

San Jose Mercury April 7, 1988 - KPIG Aims At Bringing Home The Bacon

San Jose Mercury November 11, 1990 - Collection Of KFAT's Records Sold

Monterey Herald February 21, 1991 - Radio Station Changing Format, Cutting Fat

Monterey Herald February 25, 1991 - The Pig Is Dead

San Jose Mercury March, 1991 - Alternative KPIG Buys The Farm

Monterey Herald March 1, 1991 - Off The Record

Monterey Herald March 8, 1991 - Off The Record

Unidentified Source March 10, 1991 - Hard Times Make KPIG Pull The Plug

Monterey Herald October 1991 - Back In Hog Heaven

Monterey Herald October 25, 1991 - Off The Record

USA Today November 1994 - 'Americana' Charts A Musical Melting Pot

Fat Records Buyer's Guide 1983 - Getting good records in the mail

Former KMBY Studios article

Check out how it looks in 2007. Building and hallway is just like I remember from the 70s. All that's missing is Joe Real playing the music

Big Lists Of Songs

The KFAT Catalog - It's one big list, began in a notebook and later on PFS First Choice (the text file that is pasted into the html is the First Choice database report). Search for a song title and get the artist & album it was on. Know if the FAT favorite is on some album selling on eBay that does not list the titles. Some things duplicate since I tossed in the CD collection. I bought my first CD in 1990 - New Grass Revival's "On The Boulevard". This list has not changed in a few years. I have since boxed up most of the records after digitizing them.

The Whole List - Just a text dump from iTunes. About 13,400 songs. My stuff, the kid's stuff and everything in between. For reference mainly.


Bluegrass - Bentgrass, Newgrass or Dawg Grass.

California Dreaming  - Tunes about my home state.

Chicken Songs - Finest Fowl Music.

Cosmic Hit Weekend - Late 60s pop.

Country Dick Montana - Charge up any situation with these.

Elvis List - The Dysfunctional Elvis set.

No Boys - All girls and girl groups.

Halloween Songs - Seasonal Treat (or trick).

Instrumental List - Shut yo' mouth, there's no vocals.

KAMP List - A fictional radio station in a Big Sur campground.

KFAT List - Two requirements: must be pre 1983, then must be something I have and like.

Best of FAT - Abbreviated KFAT list.

KPIG List - Later day Americana and timeless older stuff that lives on. Thrown in are the short lived KOCN & KHIP eras.

Best of PIG - Abbreviated KPIG list.

KTOM List - Sometimes you might need a little mainstream C&W.

Leisure Suite - Where the innocence of Summer of Love meets Booty Shaking reality.

Oldies 1 - The Birth of Rock & Roll. Never mind that Big Daddy was not even born then.

Oldies 2 - My ears opened up to music on this set. Used to be called "Grandma's Kitchen Radio".

Oldies 3 - Summer of love and bubblegum.

Oldies 4 - The Carter years.

Oldies 5 - The MTV Era.

Outer Space List - Sci Fi Tunes.

Picnic List - Watch for the ants.

Southern Fried Rock - Capricorn Records Was The Best

Summer of Love List - Flower power. Peace, man.

Surf List - Drive down Lighthouse Avenue with this cranked up.

Swing - Old or new. Glen Miller or Asleep At The Wheel, all good.

Truck Driving Detours - My first love of country music was truck driving songs. These are my favorites. Slightly on the shoulder of the road, often on a side road to avoid the scales, and never going 55.

Work List  - Songs often heard at the beginning of my conference calls.

Xmas Songs - Happy Holidays, I bet.

How Tos

How to digitize your old LP records or kay-set tapes - People ask "Barovelli, how DO you do it?" It's really not too hard to do. If you've ever made mix tapes you can do the recording. If you ever edited a document with cut & paste, you can edit it.

How to reformat playlists from iTunes to Winamp in less than 100 easy steps. Stripping out the EXTINF lines that cause Winamp (or other music players) to display playlists in Title - Artist format. 

How to build your own internet radio station - Take your favorite playlist and a couple of free software programs and be on the 'net or stream to your music players, smartphone, tablet, etc.

The Singing Pig

Back in the 1970s I was a CBer and went to many events - Breaks they called them. At one of these get togethers, performing on stage was "The Singing Pig", CHP Officer Leon Howard. He had a regional hit with this song, and continued to pepper KTOM with public service announcements. Click the label to  hear it!

We'll Modulate With You


Barovelli's Want List

The ones in my library are good only for reference, either a scratchy record, poor radio recording or a poor radio recording of a scratchy record. You know how it went . . .

Not really looking right now. Aint that great?


 Gilbert's book project

 KPIG 107-5

Long Valley Radio KPHT

 Unkle Sherman

I Found It KFAT sticker

Larry Hosford

 Arden's Garden

 Big Fat One

Tubby Tune with Long John

Early KFAT sticker